Sunday, March 14, 2010

Just spent my whole night...

... watching Hell's Kitchen on Hulu & working on Syd-o's doll.

Now I'm off to bed. Daylight Saving has completely thrown me off.


  1. three things:

    1st, cute doll! love it!

    2nd, I miss Hulu.

    3rd, Daylight savings time SUCKS! now you guys go to bed an hour earlier... dang china for not changing with the rest of the world. now we'll NEVER get to talk

  2. Doll looks great!

    Hell's Kitchen is the best. We just love the scenes where all the chefs are out on their patio smokin' up a storm, swearing every other word, and talking about how tough they are....and then they let Chef Ramsey call them donkeys!

  3. I'm a big fan of Hell's Kitchen too - I can't believe these are actual restaurants running with nasty kitchens and rotting food

  4. Lets move to Arizona so we never have to worry about DST! We can live in the Snowflake area so we don't get excruciating AZ summers, but when we get sick of snow, we can drive 30 or 40 miles and feel the sun in the dead of winter! How about it? :)

  5. I love the doll! It looks so cute! Good job!

  6. Doll is SO cute! When is Syd's birthday?
