Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Sydney's 4th Birthday Wish List

Alright, friends & family who asked for a Sydney list here are a few ideas:

1. Shorts (& cute shirts) for spring 4T (like khaki or jeans)
2. Books! Like bigger books w/ short stories & classics (love this & these)
3. Cute sandals in 9 - 9 1/2 (like here & here)
4. Playmobil sets (animals, knights, Egypt, faeries anything!)
5. Little sneakers (these & LOVE these)
6. Art supplies (playdoh, watercolors, a ream of paper)
7. Play/Church dress & skirts 4T
8. Puzzle holder
9. Hair accessories- bows, headbands, clips
10. Princesses dressup heels

Hope this helps guys! Let me know if you have any questions or any brilliant gift ideas for a 4 year old drama queen girl.


  1. Such a cute blog! I found your link through Lyric's blog..

    Just had to throw some blog love your way. :)

  2. I can't believe she is going to be 4 all ready. How time flies! Thanks for the wish list. It always helps to have some ideas.

  3. I know what we'll do for her! Hair accessories of course! :)

  4. 4? Really? Can we stop these kids from getting older? Great list though!
