Monday, April 12, 2010

Harry Potter Party Ideas

It's not a secret that the Carter family are big Harry Potter fans. And I CAN NOT wait for the next movie (I know, it's not till Nov chill out, Liv)...

(yes, this is me with my 2 small children at the midnight release for the last book & yes, we had match-y shirts & we had a total BLAST!)

...but it's been on my mind randomly lately & then there was a fantastic post today on Hostess with the Mostess (along with iVillage) with some really great party ideas. Love the color changing drinks, the transfiguration photobooth,& cute edible magic wands.

Then these lovely Hogwarts express invitations from Little Ant Design. As well as her adorable "Three Broomsticks" candy bags.

And what Harry Potter party would be complete without Butter Beer. Heather Baily has these lovely looking (& I'm sure tasting) drinks or dazzledesign has these fun downloadable labels for your soda bottles.

And of course count on Etsy to have some nice additions to your party. Some neat temporary tatoos of the "dark mark" & a Hogwarts postmark stamp.
You can always have Harry Potter themed board games to play: Scene It, Clue, & a Trivia Game.

And as your guests leave make sure they get a broomstick treat bag or you could always ask my hilarious & talented bro-in-law & sis-in-law to make your guests homemade wands.

And after searching I found the an EPIC Harry Potter party & all the info on how they did it at the My Harry Potter Party blog.


  1. Woot! looks awesome! When I saw the title, I thought thats what you were planning for Berto's birthday, I was going to say you should get my brother to make wands! BUT, if you had a party for the movie release, I can make them! Hurray, I love HARRY POTTER AND PARTIES! such cute ideas!

    Thanks for linking to my blog... it always makes me feel a little famous

  2. I love, love, love Harry Potter (stood in line at midnight, too) and these are such fun ideas for an HP party!

  3. Very cool! Ms. Rowling spoke to a group of kids last week and when asked if there'd be another HP book she said there definitely could be one in the not-so-distant future. That sounds like a yes to me!

  4. Those look like some really fun ideas!

  5. Kristal- I wish I could do a Harry Potter theme party for Berto. He wants Wolverine. It's gonna be a stretch to find anything "cute" for a Wolverine party :)

  6. Olivia... We need to do this when HP opens! I'm totally serious! It would kick off the Holidays! Let's do it for Halloween! :) I would LOVE to help do all this fun stuff! Aaggh! I'm getting excited just thinking about it. If not for Halloween, then for my birthday. I'm going to do a re-do this year. I turned 30 last year and insisted no party, and I regret it. :( So, this year I'm turning 30 again... or I guess I could just do it a few days before my actual birthday, and still celebrate my 30th... what do you think? :) I'm totally random right now just thinking about it! ha ha.

  7. Susan- I love it! Yes, let's do it! Please oh please! I'd love it. Halloween or your birthday. You name it we'll do it!

  8. I can't believe this post--it's so perfect for me, and perfect timing too! The boys both want a Harry Potter party in two weeks, and they've been planning for months, but I'm only now just getting around to it. Hooray, thanks for sharing. This will give me the perfect place to start!!!

  9. Oh my goodness what a party this could be. I love that you find so many great ideas!
