Sunday, February 10, 2013

Sunday Family- Feb 10th

Happy Valentines Day Week!

I didn't realize until after last Sunday that maybe Syd & I should have saved out heart cardigans for this week to celebrate Valentines day- but still we dressed up a bit for it- touches or red and pink for us. And for me, YELLOW! Because we are in the midst of an endless winter, which is kicking my booty, so I thought we all needed a little brightness to say "BOOM-SHAKALAKA!"

We had an excellent, very busy weekend including snowshoeing, a birthday party, tons of errands, and I will have to blog about some of my adventures in the next few days. But just know, it's been madness & this next week is going to be even crazier.

Thankfully today was pretty relaxing- Syd is switching over to chapter books which, as a book-lover mother, makes me SO excited. Rob had an epic battle of army "guys vs. skeletons". Linc spent most of the day trying to eat my necklace. Scott did dishes & tided the house for me. And we had a mini Chinese New Year dinner. Now, I call that an excellent day.
Hope everyone else had a fantastic weekend!
And Happy Valentines Day this week!
Any big plans? Celebration goodness? 

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