Saturday, April 13, 2013

Spring Solstice

We missed Spring Solstice because solstice waits for no man & we were insanely busy, but we finally got to it & completed our circle of a full year of solstice celebrations- Summer, Fall, Winter, and now lovely Spring.
I made us spring crowns & we headed out to take some pictures in a once burnt now new growth area on the mountains embracing the much needed beginning of spring:
We then had a fantastic dinner of mango strawberry salad, mushroom hot chocolate (which taste amazing despite the fact that it sounds like it should be horrible), and then capped the night off with an essential oil foot soak & a meditation lesson from the ever knowledgeable Brook.
Nothing, seriously nothing, beats these four times a year celebrations of womanhood & sisterhood. Nature & the change of the season. I love these ladies so much & feel lucky and so blessed to know them!
And, yes, I sure do live in a lovely place


  1. thank you ladies. some of my very best memories of this year.

  2. Yay for a year of celebrations! You guys look so great and look like you have so much fun! I'm glad you're able to enjoy each other like that. :)

  3. you guys are too cute! love these celebrations!

  4. I love that you do this. The pictures are always so lovely.
