Thursday, April 22, 2010

I like me some Photoshop

Contrary to the P.S. in my last post I don't have any Photoshop skillz. I'd love to take a class sometime but for now I'm just grateful I know a couple basics so I could somewhat counteract the dreery weather & my bad photography.

Befores & Afters:

They are also a totally groovy couple, big fans of 70's music, so I tried to "vintage-up" a few for them that they ended up really liking.


  1. I love the one where she's touching Jeff's face. Super cute! And P.S. you don't suck. You rock!

  2. These pictures are great!! I love the vintage ones too!
    P.s. just finished watching SUrvivor, once again it's getting crazy...

  3. I love photoshop as well! I've had lots of time to practice my editing here... it's been fabulous.

    these are super cute!

  4. I would love to learn how to use photoshop - editing pictures is so fun!!! And these all turned out great!
