Monday, November 1, 2010

Teen Book Fest Provo Library

This weekend I was lucky enough to go to the Teen Book Fest at the Provo Library (other than my house, the library my favorite place on the planet).

Scott Westerfeld (of the Uglies series fame) was the main speaker &, wow, was he fabulous. He discussed illustrations in books, how we've gotten away from that in the last 100 years, & why he decided to put them in his newest series Laviathan (a steampunk story).

We were able to met him, have him to sign our books, & there were TONS of other fabulous local authors there too (Bree Despain, Brandon Sanderson, & Brandon Mull). I also got to meet a blogger friend & soon-to-be published author Elana Johnson.

I may have also rocked the Teen Literature Jeopardy game & the library workers who put the whole festival on were decked on in some pretty fab Steampunk outfits.

It was a wonderful time & I hope they do it again next year!

Has anyone else read Scott Westerfeld's books? Do you have a favorite?


  1. That was a fun time, ladies! :) Thanks for introducing me to one of my favorite series and a great author! #Uglies

  2. Love Scott Westerfeld! My favorite is SO YESTERDAY. I *love* that book.

  3. hmm, i really liked uglies. pretties was great, too, but i never finished specials. HATED that she became a special. i should go back and finish it, i know, but right now i'm still unforgiving.
