Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Sunday Family- December 9th

Happy Holidays!

Sorry we've been on a Sunday Family hiatus when we were out of town but we're back! It's had a mixed-bag of a week. On one hand we got back into the swing of things after vacation & have been getting ready for Christmas which is always lovely. On the other Linc is teething & has an ear infection at the same time- so, yeah, he's lots of fun to be with.

Also, Friday was "Crazy Hair Day" at school (last years here). We did something simple for Sydney because it was early & I was completely unprepared. We sprayed her head green, glued some horses onto a headband & called it good. She loved it. When it came time for Rob to go to school I said, "Hey, why don't we cut the sides of your hair a bit and make it so you have a mohawk". He eagerly agreed, I pulled out the clipper, swiped down the side of his head & than froze. I'd forgotten to put a guard on it & had completely shaved his head.
To say Rob was unhappy would be an understatement. He was furious. Then he was bawling. And I pretty much mommy failed. Scott pulled the clippers out on Sunday and buzzed his hair almost off, just a little mohawk, but he likes it better (meaning, he'll go out in public without a hat now). 

So, that's our big news this week: Crazy Hair Day was a bust.


  1. Eek. Hope Linc does not end up with the family ears. Love your pictures. I feel Rob's pain. I've made a few mistakes with the clippers. Not easy to fix. Yea for Scott!

  2. (sigh) - that is so sad - not that Rob looked awful, but that he was so upset by it. I am sorry. I love this family, though, and I think Rob is the type of kid who can pull that look off.

  3. family pic, i meant to say, though I love the family too~

  4. Tell Rob he is now "High speed, low drag" (and that's a good thing).

  5. love syds hair - i need to get a good curling iron

  6. Dad and I are laughing out loud about the hair. I was a mommy failure many times with hair.

  7. Aw, poor guy! For what it's worth, I've always liked the shaved head look. Tell him it's something a pirate would do.
