Sunday, December 9, 2012

Update on my Lincoln Logs

For posterity, for grandparents, and for those who are lovers of Lincoln Buckley, I thought I'd update you on how my little man is doing. 

Lincoln has hit a lot of those baby milestones with in the last month. He's crawling (on his knees finally) and he is growing his two bottom teeth simultaneously. Which, as anyone who's had a teething baby knows, is a horror.
 And his single favorite activity in all of his human history is feeding himself puffs. If his stomach didn't have a max capacity I'm pretty sure this kid could sit in his highchair (or the floor) and eat baby "veggie" flavored, basically glorified Cheetos puffs, forever.
He loves taking baths and playing with Syd & Rob. Those kids love on him from the moment he opens his eyes until the his tiny head hits the pillow. And he is incidentally the worst sleeper of all my children. Ever. Good thing he's sweet & smiley.

And that, friends, is Lincoln Buckley- 9 months, on the cusp of 10 months, nearing his first Christmas and growing some teeth like a boss.


  1. Aw, I'm sorry he's not sleeping well. I know that's tough.

  2. Aw, he's such a cutie!! Lucky to have such a sweet baby.

  3. I love that boy so much! I can't wait to see him in a couple weeks!

  4. How am I this far behind on your blog?? Love this post about Lincoln! These kiddos are growing up so fast!
