Friday, December 7, 2012


That's right folks! All thanks to my lovely mother-in-law who signed us up the adults-children where able to go to Conan O'Brien. It was A LOT of fun. Mostly because I love Conan and I love my family so put the two together and wham-o double awesome!
And of course I made shirts. As we all know, I am a STRONG believer in wearing shirts to all sorts of occasions (author signings, movie premieres, family reunions, birthday parties, book launch parties, cousin outings). It makes everything more festive &, I'll be honest, I'm an only child; I like to be the center of attention.
Every. Single. Person we saw commented on how cool our shirts were. The people who sign you in, the security guards, the bus driver that drove us over to the studio, the people seating us at the studio, the camera guys. Everyone. They even had their "professional" photo girl take a picture- it's not on the site yet but keep your eyes out, maybe someday our fame will spread far and wide.
It's hard to tell, I know... but right there in that circle is Scott & I. In hindsight, It probably would have been better to make our shirts "electric lemon" colored, but next time...
And there we are, people- CONAN! If you ever get a chance to do it- GO! I was fun!


  1. So awesome! I'm an only child too and love being the center of attention.

  2. Just proving more of your awesomeness!! Fab shirts. A little jealously here...What a blast of an experience. Yeah, that redheaded guy cracks me up too.

  3. Glad you found yourselves in the they better put up your didn't say they named the show after you guys!

  4. Hey, that is a great pic! We had so much fun time with you guys, even if you ditched us to sit up closer :) Love ya!
