Sunday, April 28, 2013

Sunday Family- April 28th

Happy Last Sunday of April! 

It's warm here! Like for real warm & it's glorious. I have a new job in our church teaching the 4 and 5 year olds. It's a lot of work, but I really do love working with them. We spent the day today having an early birthday celebration for Scott Carter & while he wasn't feeling so hot and stayed home with a stomach bug we still had fun. We had a yummy dinner, ice cream cake, and played games with friends. He doesn't love big celebrations or anything but we tried to make his feel special & loved! And, Linc, as always, spent the tearing the house apart. His favorite activity is pulling out all my tampons and throwing them EVERY. WHERE. It reminds me of Sydney & this.

This last week has been busy- setting up a new desk in my office, anniversary celebrations, & fantastic spread sheet help from my lovely friend Esther. This next week is mostly celebrating Scott's birthday tomorrow, getting ready for the Beehive Bazaar, & soaking up the glorious sun.
Life. Is. Good.


  1. I think all kids have a fascination with tampons and pads. Too funny!

  2. I'm amazed with your energy and all you do in a week--or in one day! Happy B-day to Scott and have a great week. x o

  3. how fun! i want to see your office when you get it how you want it! I need to organize my work space and i always like seeing what others do. and I love that mustard bow of yours! i made a bunch of felt bow clips for Natalie and have been looking for a fun outfit to wear one with
