Thursday, August 22, 2013

Our Grand Adventure- The Redwoods

So, I have decided that I'm making a new goal- Each year I want to go somewhere I've never been before. Right now that probably means close by places because honestly, I am in the season of life where I can only do so much with these cute kids in tow.

But what I am saying though is, that even in this complicated/busy/sticky/sippy cup season of life I can still have adventures.

I am lucky, because my lovely friend Meagan feels the same way and so when I told her I needed to take my kids to "Grandma Camp" and would she and her awesome kiddos like to come too she said, "YES!" And somehow we decided to add the Redwoods- a place we both wanted to visit and had both never been.

And so there we went 2 adults, 6 children, all packed in one car for an estimated 14 hours- which turned into more like 16 hours. (My cute Carter children who were at each others throats most of the time managed to also take pretty good care of each other too).
There was an awful lot of barf- a combination of motion sickness, getting up at 4 am, and eating a lot of crap but we survived. But we were greeted with this & it was all worth it:
is were we stayed and it was a gorgeous tiny town that I fell in love with. Seriously, so fantastic! Tiny, foggy, interesting people watching, & a lovely beach too.

On our first day we visited the famous Trinidad Beach. Despite my warnings that it was a "cold beach" (59 degrees) and that they needed to wear jeans and sweaters, these kids were a tiny bit confused/disappointed. I sure wasn't it. It was gorgeous!
Then we trekked out on our wild adventure to the Redwoods &, you guys, it was just gorgeous. More beautiful than I anticipated and somehow I felt both smaller and taller having been there.
The kids actually seemed impressed and had so much fun climbing around the trees and exploring the forest. I would recommend everyone visit this mystical place at least once. I'd love to come back again.
We then made another long drive to the Grandparent Carters & enjoyed getting taken care of for a bit. It was incredibly hot there (as apposed to the cold coast) so we went swimming A LOT-  at their house, at the local park, & we had an afternoon at the lake too.
Seriously, like unto the Redwoods everyone should visit Ma & Pa Carter once in their life. They are spectacular people who will make sure you have a relaxing time of your life. All in all it was a blast!
We ended up back to reality/Utah after a week- 8 incidence of barf, 2 tired mamas, 1,862 miles traveled, and 1 fantastic adventure!


  1. So glad you went to Trinidad. Erin and I spent a wonderful time there at the sweetest B&B right by the lighthouse.

  2. I really miss being able to take off and go on a last minute adventure. Something tells me when I'm finally able to do it again, it needs to be a trip with you to Ma&Pa Carter!

  3. i meant to comment the other day and say how happy I was! Two posts in a DAY! I'm pretty sure I had both girls and a cat on my lap though, so it had to wait for today. I'm sad I didn't get to see you on this trip, but I want to get some advice from you about the Redwoods! Matt and I really want to go out there soon. Looks like you guys had a blast!

  4. Hooray for adventures and awesome road trips!! Visiting the redwoods is definitely high on my list of things to do in the next few years. I can't believe how huge they are. Love the action shot of Syd jumping into the lake.

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