Monday, January 21, 2008


Well, it turns out our computer has a nasty virus. We ran a bunch of virus scans & nothing came up. After searching online we found out its a new one that's only been around for a few days but, oh, it' s bad- curropted almost all our programs, even our mouse! So, hopefully we'll get it sorted out. Until then sorry for no fun blogs or pictures!


Katie said...

Oh, that really stinks! I am so sorry!

Anonymous said...

Unclean! Unclean! hehe, doh, sorry guys.

Anonymous said...

I hope all your photos are backed up on CDs or DVDs!

Mike Kessler said...

Being a good blogger has come in handy here, though. So many of your photos, etc. are online that at least they won't be lost. Once Scott scrubs the PC case down with Clorox, all will be fine. :)

Lindsay Jane said...

So sad...I miss your posts. BTW, where are you? I keep calling...

Anonymous said...

That's SO sad... I will miss your blogs! That's how I keep up with you! Hope you're doing well! Hope you get things sorted out soon!