Friday, April 11, 2008

The wee hours of the morning...

The kiddos woke up with still runny noses & no diapers. So, we loaded into the car with pajama clad kids & mommy. We then trekked to the grocery store for diapers & tissues. It was a frightening scene but at least no one was there- except the poor cashier woman who also looked at me like I was insane... not for us all being in PJ's but because I handed her my canvas bags for the groceries.


Esther Noelle said...

That's hilarious.

Tiffany said...

Running out of diapers has become a new fear of mine. Apparently if I run out I can just call you and you'll go to the store in your PJ's with me. :)

Mike Kessler said...

Hey, we're up late anyway playing Scrabulous. We'll go with you.

Lindsay Jane said...

Wow, that's really funny.