Wednesday, June 25, 2008


That's me up these holding my bear, Softbear. She was given to me after a surgery when I was 3 or 4 years old and I've had her ever since. I slept with Softbear FOREVER, into college. Now (on the right), I've passed her on to Syd. She's a lil' ragged but Syd has newly named her, "Mommy Bear" & it makes me smile.


Mandi said...

That is absolutely adorable and so tender!

Anonymous said...

Actually, Sweetie, you got the bear when you had surgery at 18 months for a hernia. She has been a good friend for many hears. The way you always held her has made her left arm permanently raised. I think it makes her look more friendly.

Esther Noelle said...

Yeah for Softbear!!

Cindy said...

So cute, I have this old stuffed animal that I got when I was 3! Someday I'll pass it on to Jack. :)