Friday, May 29, 2009


I just love to see Sydney smile. Nothing makes my day like seeing those little teeth followed by a giggle.

But I'm a realist too, so I also know that I'll likely be paying an orthodontist quite a lot of money for that smile too.

Linds & I were just discussing Syd's teeth, if you see Syd in person you can see we've got ourselves quite an underbite.


Lindsay Jane said...

I love her little smile but some of those faces she makes are so funny because of her teeth! I have you read The Meanest Mom's post about her son's teeth? It reminded me of the Syd-o just a little.

Audra said...

Lettie has a terrible underbite and she grinds. I feel your pain.

lindsey said...

lily has an underbite too. hers is really bad when she chews esp.