Sunday, March 18, 2012


Rob has a hard time talking about how he feels (While my Syd, on the other hand, could talk about her emotions for eternity. And beyond.) So, I found a lesson online, that I can't find for the life of me, that had a couple faces with emotions on them.
It wasn't enough to cover the wealth of emotions that I wanted Rob to recognize (beyond, you know- happy, sad, mad) so I took the couple she had & then added a bunch more.
I've kept the faces in a little cup by Rob's bed & it's actually been helpful. The next time he had a fight with Syd after we made them, I went in his room to talk to him.
I snuggled him up, grabbed the angry face, & asked "Does fighting with Syd make you mad?".

"No," he replied grabbing two other emotions out of the jar. "I think it makes me sad & sorry."

Not only does it help him express how he feels a lot better, but it helps me to recognize & identify his emotions too.

Heck, I should probably carry some around so that when I cry people would know why, since I pretty much cry when I'm mad, really happy, sad, super embarrassed, tired, hungry... etc. Is it just me?


Monica @ All Things Lovely said...

Good job. That is/sounds like a great way to go about that. Ill have to remember that.

M said...

What a wonderful idea! Life would be a lot easier if we could all use those little faces to express how we feel.

anelieze castrejon said...

love it! communication is so important, and it's great that you're on top of it while he's young.

Sarah said...

I LOVE this idea!

Kristal said...

such a good idea! Good job momma!

Smithy said...

love it... can you email me your file?

Emma-Jayne said...

What a brilliant idea, might have to do something like that for Ian as he still isn't talking much. Might help when he has a tantrum. :)
and I could do with them too. Same as you I cry when I'm happy, sad, hungry, thirsty, embarressed, worried... actually I pretty much cry at anything.

Mike Kessler said...

I don't know if this is just me, or a guy thing, or a people thing, but I often laugh at the same things Emma says she cries at. I once laughed when I heard a coworker was hit by a truck. I didn't laugh because I thought it was funny but because it was very upsetting, and apparently my emotional wiring is messed up.

April Carter said...

Another great Olivia Idea.

Susan said...

I want those. Please find them! :) Ez seems to only recognize anger these days... so EVERYTHING makes him mad. It's really frustrating. So if you happen to run across those again, please let me know! :)