Sunday, February 8, 2015
Posted by
Olivia Carter
10:23 PM
Labels: Sunday Family
Sunday, April 20, 2014
SUNDAY FAMILY: April 20, 2014
Happy Easter my Lovely Friends!
As promised here is another post! I know it's an Easter Miracle!
We had a lovely Easter with baskets, a lovely and centering time at church, dying eggs, an egg hunt, & a ham dinner.
Hope everyone had a lovely Easter, remembered why we celebrated it, and spent time with people you love!
Posted by
Olivia Carter
8:59 PM
Saturday, April 19, 2014
SUNDAY FAMILY: Catch up February-April
Surprise! Here I am to catch you guys up on our SUNDAY FAMILY PICTURES!
We missed a couple Sundays where as everyone ran in the house after church & I yelled, "Wait! Don't take your clothes off we have to take a Sunday Family Picture first" too late and everyone had already stripped off their clothes & hopped into bed for a nap.
But here are the ones we did catch!
There were a couple sick days for some family members here, as well as a "stormy cloud month" of March for poor Rob (you can see it on the poor fellows face!). But here we are all caught up & more posts to come!
Posted by
Olivia Carter
11:51 PM
Monday, February 3, 2014
SUNDAY FAMILY: February 2nd
Happy February, guys! Seriously, February has gotten a bad wrap from me in the past- it's slow and still deadly cold/snowy. But, honestly, it ain't no January and for that I am grateful!

Yup, that's my baby back there.
The biggest news of this past week was that my lovely friend Esther had her baby! It's the first time in the past 2 children we've had, where I wasn't also HUGE pregnant and/or just had a baby (we unintentionally time our babies like nobodies business). I was honored to be there when she gave birth & tape it for her.
Words have failed me every time I've tried to explain to people what its like to feel the electricity in the room right before she came. To see a new human being taking their first breath. The stress and relief and jubilation of it all. No. Words. That sums it up. And my beautiful friend, Esther was so brave, so fantastic, and I was so proud. And we have a new girl on this lovely planet earth. Which is great. We could always use another girl!
So, TA-DA! Still on the Sunday Family bandwagon! Hope to see you all next week!
Posted by
Olivia Carter
9:40 PM
Labels: Sunday Family
Sunday, January 26, 2014
Happy Sunday &, yup, that's right still on the bandwagon!
We've also been trying to focus in on the family- keep our cool, keeping on a schedule, being more patient (heaven knows, this one in tested 45 million times daily), kids helping with chores, etc. We also had a goal to go on more family dates so yesterday we went out for sushi and clean, clean, cleaned the house. It was fun as always!
And here are these sweet kiddos- Syd reading my all time favorite book as a kid (Box Car Children), Rob who fell asleep in the car proving that he really was sick, & Linc, my little daytime hanging out buddy!
Hope everyone has a great week next week! Last week of January- it's all uphill from here, friends!
Posted by
Olivia Carter
10:38 PM
Labels: Sunday Family