Wednesday, September 3, 2008

ambidextrous fashion

Fun fact about me: I am right handed & I wear my watch on my right hand. I guess usually only lefties wear their watch on their right hand.

I never thought this was weird. I honestly don't wear a watch enough for it to MATTER, but someone pointed out to me recently that they thought that was odd. Is it weird? I tried wearing it on my left arm & really hated it. So, I'm hoping the consensus it that there is no FIRM rule about watch wearing.


brooke said...

I'm right handed and wear watches on my left arm, except for one which is really large, and it only feels comfortable on my right arm. Go figure. We're all wierd in one way or MANY!!

Malea said...

I wore my watch on my right arm (I'm right-handed) all during High School. I think it was Freshman year of college I was hugely embarassed when a whole group of people laughed at me for doing it. I promptly changed started putting it on the left and hated it at first, but now it's normal. I say do what you WANT!! People who make you feel stupid are following social norms with absolutely no reason other than conformity. HA! Sorry for the novel...

monica said...

its not a firm rule, but just about every right handed wears it on their left, like me. just cuz otherwise its in the way of when you write. i think its awkward for me to wear it on my right hand...doesnt feel right. but its only weird cuz noone really does that.

Mike Kessler said...

I'm left-handed and I wear my watch on my left hand. Some people said stuff to me years ago, but, hey, it's my watch and my arm, right? I can wear it where I want to, which is on the arm that is most comfortable and convenient for me. It would be like someone saying you have your socks on the wrong feet. Who pays attention to such things, and do they really matter in this crazy world of ours? Um, no, they don't.

Anonymous said...

I checked with "Project Runway" guy Tim Gunn. He says you should be arrested.

Jackie said...

I do the same as you - when I started wearing watches, it just felt more comfortable to have it on my right hand even though I'm right handed. Now it feels too weird to go to the left - besides, the only jewelry I wear on my left hand is my wedding ring and I like it that way! People have made comments, and are usually surprised I'm right handed, but...oh well! Love your blog!

Smithy said...

How funny! I was reading your blog and noticed that I had a watch on my right hand too. I don't wear a watch that often, but typically I like to wear it on my right hand b/c i feel like it balances out the ring on my left hand. If it's on my left hand i feel left side heavy.

James said...

I'm right handed and wear my watch on my right arm. It just works better that way.

Are you cross-dominant? Not everybody is purely right- or left- side dominant. For example, I'm left eye dominant so I shoot left handed when accuracy is needed more than speed.