Thursday, June 14, 2012

Bearto Bear turns 5!

Yesterday was my sweet/darling/rambunctious/aggressive/super cool sons birthday! We celebrated in typical Bearto fashion- lots of running around & outdoor-ish fun!

We went to a waterpark with our friends the Parsons & swam to our little hearts content. Then we went to a McDonalds playplace to run around some more & eat burgers.
Afterward, Rob & Syd were pooped out so we rented The Muppet movie & rested. I told Rob be could have whatever he wanted to his dinner- he requested sushi & strawberries.

It was a lovely little day, with a lovely not-so-little boy! Keep an eye out this weekend for the little birthday party we have planned on Saturday!


Katie said...

Happy Birthday Rob! I love knowing him through your blog.

April Carter said...

That sounds like so much fun. Swimming and Love that Big Boy!

Esther Noelle said...

Glad we could be a part of the celebration! Yay Bearto!

Eva Lavelle said...

Happy Birthday to your gorgeous 5 year old boy!!!
Sushi and strawberries sound sensational!!!

M said...

Happy Birthday Rob! I love that he wanted sushi for his birthday dinner. What non-Japanese five-year-old likes sushi? Oh yeah, a Carter five-year-old!