Monday, July 6, 2009

Climbin' outta the crib....

Since we've been back from Tahoe, Rob has been able to get out of his crib. So, we switched him to the bed that was in his room.

He did well for a while but recently he's taken to this...
That's right I woke up the other morning to see his little fingers under the door. He had moved his pillow, blankie, & teddy bear right by the door and fallen asleep there.

I have no idea why he does it. He doesn't even cry really and he does it for naps now too.

Has anyone else had a baby do this? Any suggestions?


Dad said...

Once when we thought you were asleep and were out watching TV, you came out of your room very upset and asked, "Are you having fun without me?" I figure Rob sees lights and hears sounds under the door, so it's a comfort to be included in the partying outside.

Either that or he's just weird.

Holly said...

My little J used to crawl out into the hallway and fall asleep. Occasionally we'd also wake up in the morning and find that sometime in the night he had come into our room and gone to sleep on the floor, without ever even trying to wake us up. I think your dad's right--they just want to stay close to you and the action.

Cranberryfries said...

As long as my kids couldn't open the door I'd leave them alone in there cause at least they'd get bored and fall asleep anyway. It's crazy once the kid proof door thigns dont work because then you gotta fight 'em to stay in bed.

April Carter said...

Jeff used to get up in the middle of the night and arrange the shoes in the shoe place. So we told him he had to clean the bathroom if he kept getting up...he cleaned it many times, and the Taylors house too.