I know, how could I have waited so long to post about the crazy, mad night for Breaking Dawn Part 2. My only excuse is the craziness of life, problems with the blog, & also not having any idea of what to say about it. I guess to sum it up I'll say: I loved it & hated it.
Without giving anything away because, people, seeing this movie is like a one-way ticket to crazy-town I'll say it was my least favorite book and while this movie is in fact significantly better than the book (thank goodness for some action and less heavy handedness) it was probably my least favorite movie. But it was good too, you know? I couldn't explain it to Scott either, but I think some of you know what I mean. And the montage at the end left me teary, so I suppose that means a lot too.
And I though I was up to my eyeballs in stress & drink stirrers I had a blast with our giveaways, matching shirts, laughing, eating popcorn and having a blast with my friends! It's sad that these days of renting out a theater & making matching shirts for Twilight themed events is over but I will have some fabulous memories. Thank you to Esther, my partner in theater-renting-crime!
And let's be honest the fact that we have 3 fantastic book to big screen adaptations coming next year makes up for it: The Host, City of Bones, & Catching Fire.
Perhaps shirts for those events? Anyone? Anyone?
Past Twilight movie premires: Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, & Breaking Dawn Part 1, Twilight movie release party, New Moon DVD release party, Borders before the movie comes out "discussion night", LBG Twilight DVD watching party night,
Past Twilight book fun: That time I met Stephanie Meyers & An LBG bookgroup about Breaking Dawn,
AND because I love you guys endlessly for A) reading my ramblings and B) being awesome I'm giving away one of our one-of-a-kind totally awesome J. Jenks shirts with some other awesome Twilight themed goodies.
Leave a comment sharing your all-time favorite Twilight moment- movie or book and you'll be entered in to win this awesomeness (make sure I have a way of contacting you too) I'll leave it open for until Saturday the 8th at midnight!
I have never read the books or seen any of the movies. Sorry, no interest in them. I do love historical fiction instead.
But I have thought it was awesome how you did the theater rental and the shirts. What a fun memory for you and your friends.
favorite moment is probably the tent scene in eclipes.
I love your Twilight shirts! And I'd have to say my favorite part in the books is the above mentioned "tent scene" but my favorite part of any movie was the wedding. It was sooo gorgeous!
My favorite part was the field scene in the first movie where Edward twinkled in the sun for Bella. I love your shirts - so fun!
The last book has always been one of my favorites but I would have to say the last movie was not one of my favorites. My favorite line in the whole movie is "I know what you are." "Say it. OUT LOUD. SAY IT." "Vampire" I always smile when I hear that dialogue!
Call me crazy but I freaking LOVED this movie. I mean, it was just fun for me. I loved the "surprise." I am not a huge Twilight junkie, so I wasn't too heavily invested...and I have to say that after watching part I last year, I went back and reread Breaking Dawn and I had such a hard time getting through about 1/2 of it. Anyway, now I am babbling. I did not like the first movie, and each one improved for me, so it was just a really pleasant surprise how much I enjoyed this one.
My favorite part was how FAKE the baby's faced looked in Breaking Dawn too. Come on!? Couldn't they have gotten a real baby! Couldn't stop laughing!
And from the book I HATE Renesmee's name.
I enjoyed the books and the movies even though I thought they were incredibly bad and cheesy. I hate them and love them.
The CGI baby creeped me out, but it wasn't so bad the second time around. This is my favorite movie, but it was not my favorite book. The biggest thing I hated about the book was the huge build-up to NOTHING. I loved that they gave us what the book was lacking. The montage at the end was great too. Twilight will always be my favorite book and hell, Twilight will be my first love when it comes to the movies, but I think I can watch this last one over and over again.
Thank you again for our shirts. We seriously love them. You've made our tradition that much more special.
I really need to read the Mortal Instruments series, but I'm all over Catching Fire and The Host.
Oh, and my favorite part... Edward & Bella in the restaurant in Twilight. Loved it in the book and movie!
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